Retreats & Workshops

CASA MAYA KAAN is place for people to feel safe to explore, feel, unravel, peel and come back to themselves. Supported and held by a tribe of likeminded people and the wisdom of nature. Being exposed and completely one with the elements, we have the chance to be reborn again and to shift our perspective.

We are not a place that follows any specific tradition or dogma, although there are many influences and colors from different spiritual paths.

We invite you on a journey that takes you deep within, uncovering darkness and pain, letting go of these layers of protection and therefor having the courage to truly living.


Hosted by Miriam Adler

September 25-28, 2021

A long weekend for women looking for balance and to establish a sacred practice in their lives. Awareness is a state of presence and exploration. We gather to create moments that make the heart flutter; moments of truth, authenticity and courage.

When we try to make sense of the world, we are often drawn to forces in opposition:  good and evil, dark and light, North and South, male and female. This helps us to wrap our heads around complexity. It simplifies the world so that we can comprehend it. But, as humans, we thrive in nuance. We yearn for equilibrium — when the forces that surround and impact us are in a harmonious state. Extremes never serve us well; rather, there is something to be learned from both sides of the poles. It is in finding the nuance of all situations that we are best able to grow.

Towards this end, I employ a number of modalities tailored to the task at hand. I have sought out and trained in varied disciplines that each offers us a piece to the puzzle of means of releasing shame and fear, achieving vulnerability, and connecting with feminine truth.

You can expect to experience breathwork, sacred rituals, embodiment practices and meditation. Embrace softness, grace and harmony. Come to know the wisdom of the feminine. Quiet the distractions in order to hear you. Don’t wait for the world you want to live in: create it now.

  • Breath
  • Tea
  • Kundalini
  • Art
  • Sound
  • Vegan Cuisine
  • Dance
  • Voice

Edition VI: LABORATORIO La Union

Hosted by Miriam Adler

March 13-20, 2021

These weeks activities are dedicated to exploring the masculine and feminine essence, playing with our polarities and finding harmony within ourselves while relating to each other. This is not only a retreat for couples, rather it is a journey for anybody wanting to embrace their true essence and to shed the fear of opening their hearts to tenderness.


The practice of connecting with nature to access the silence and stillness through which we can hear the whispers of our intuition.

  • Qi Gong
  • Hatha
  • Sound Healing
  • Tea


When we choose expansion over security, we move past our boundaries in order to let go of old stories and align with a higher frequency.

  • Breath Work
  • Kundalini
  • Voice


We will foster a connection with spirit and the higher force. As we open our vessel through daily practice, we can better perceive our sacred part of the universe and find faith. This is the step through which our whole world shifts.

  • Temazcal
  • Cacao Ceremony
  • Tea Ceremony
  • Kirtan


I trust and, therefore, I am able to merge with the other. I am able to let myself be held by the other. I am able to look the other in the eye. To merge is to love without fear.

  • Conscious Communication
  • Constellation Work
  • Tantra


Through play, we can experience joy and learn to vibrate within the realms of our inner child.

  • Dance
  • Art and Craft


We are intentional with how we nourish our bodies through a respect for the land, hands, and effort that goes into each meal shared in community. We source our ingredients locally, prepare and touch the food with positive thoughts, and always pause to honor the food we eat through ceremony.

  • Plant based ayurvedic cuisine

Jaguar spirit – Huachuma Retreat

Hosted by Beata Alfoldi

April 23-30, 2021

This retreat offers a unique and safe experience with the reputed Plant Medicine, Huachuma – or San Pedro Cactus.
San Pedro doesn’t operate by miraculously removing the symptoms. It goes right to the source. For us all, a willingness to fully engage with the process is required. A ceremonial encounter with Huachuma will change your perspective, your intuitive sense, and perhaps even your body for the rest of your life.
This retreat will accelerate your growth, activate your potential and transform the stories that keep you from living an inspired life.
Since the Mayans roamed these sacred lands, Mexico has been a destination for transformation; a place of real magic and beauty. Our community is filled with extraordinary humans. Simply stated, there’s no other program that invites such high standards of kindness, authenticity and integrity. The intention for all our retreats is to reveal the single common thread that bonds us all, the desire for deep connection.
Each of our retreats offer strategic tools to accompany you at every stage of the journey and across the complete range of human development. We share with you the most counter-intuitive, efficient & transformative processes – to bring into your daily life.

  • Three Huachuma Ceremonies
  • Opening Mayan Ceremony
  • Temazcal Ceremony
  • Preparation
  • Integration
  • Soul Purpose
  • Rituals for Transformation
  • Culinary Delights


Hosted by Miriam Adler

November 16-23, 2020

This Journey is an homage to beauty, softness, creative force and the magnitude of the feminine heart. These weeks activities are dedicated to exploring our feminine essence, playing with our polarities and finding harmony within ourselves.We will work deeply on letting go of shame, needing to look a certain way, daily overwhelm, our competitive strive and self-animosity to allow our juicy spark to flow again and to rest into the tenderness of our hearts.


The practice of connecting with nature to access the silence and stillness through which we can hear the whispers of our intuition.

  • Tea and Meditation
  • Yin Yoga


When we choose expansion over security, we move past our boundaries in order to let go of old stories and align with a higher frequency.

  • Breathwork
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Sound and Voice


As women we carry the gift of the goddess, deep pleasure, intuition and wholeheartedness. Let us remember together.

  • Sacred Sexuality


Through play, we can experience joy and learn to vibrate within the realms of our inner child.

  • Dance
  • Art and Craft
  • Sisterhood


We will foster a connection with spirit and the higher force. As we open our vessel through daily practice, we can better perceive our sacred part of the universe and find faith. This is the step through which our whole world shifts.

  • Temazcal
  • Cacao Ceremony
  • Tea Ceremony


We are intentional with how we nourish our bodies through a respect for the land, hands, and effort that goes into each meal shared in community. We source our ingredients locally, prepare and touch the food with positive thoughts, and always pause to honor the food we eat through ceremony.

  • Plant -Based Cuisine


Hosted by Miriam Adler

March 15-22, 2020

Are you craving more balanced and fulfilling relationships?
We will reunite for the Spring Equinox, and celebrate the balance between dark and light, yin and yang, feminine and masculine energies
Through Labortorio, we have felt the magic of coming together in community. The women soften surrounded in a sense of safety and vulnerability. The men who come together in our space empowering one another to stand in the beauty of their masculine force without competition.
We want to ask questions and inquire gently on how to best serve and be served in the act of love, friendship, and creative work: What did we learn from this experience? How do we perceive each other? How have we perceived each other in the past? What do we need from each other? What do I need in order to feel safe in the way that I am?
We will go into feminine practices such as singing, dancing, and movement to connect to our body through self love and beauty rituals. Women connect to their creativity. We will enter masculine practices that instill presence and stillness while awakening the soft warrior inside. Men connect to their hands, the Earth and land, and the physical creation of building. Men will slowly move out of their minds and back into their bodies. As the man creates more space within his mental and physical world, the woman can step in to fill that space through her fluidity.
Our lives are defined by the depth of our relationships. Everyone is longing for love, friendship, and connection — and it appears to become more difficult to come by. We crave union. La Union speaks to that desire for connection whether it be a long-term love, friendship, family relationships, or even co-creators in work and art.
Join us and plant your Seed of Light to be one.


Hosted by Miriam Adler

November 23-30, 2019

A week-long women’s retreat in the vibrant Sian Ka’an biosphere in Tulum.
Are you a woman who says yes to passion, pleasure and being fully engaged in both her work and personal lives? Right now, is there something in your life that you want to change, remove or introduce in your daily routine? Maybe you want to meditate more often, commit to fewer or different things, make real contact with yourself and others or simply move away from the computer.
We believe that it’s all connected and it’s essential to set aside time into learning how we can evoke the feminine spirit – our depth of pleasure – so that we tap into our creative energy, innate power and happiness. We don’t learn these skills in our traditional educations, but they shape our lives so profoundly. Invest the time to connect to yourself now.
Reawaken your sensuality with this week long experience held in the vibrant paradise that is the Sian Ka’an biosphere in Tulum, Mexico. Blending sacred rituals, conscious-based foods, yoga, breathwork and embodiment classes, you will be lead through a powerful journey along with other like-minded woman searching to rediscover their feminine fire, passion and intimate connection with themselves and the divine female energy. Come and plant your seeds of love with us and nurture your internal growth.

Nourish | Relax | Ground

Hosted by Maggie McCloud

November 10-14, 2019

Imagine yourself immersed in the lush tropical forest that is the Sian Ka’an Biosphere. The Caribbean Ocean sits at your front steps, while your back door opens to a shimmering lagoon. Healthy, nourishing food abounds. The environment lovingly embraces you, as you drop into oneness with the land.
Join us for 5 days, 4 nights at the luxurious Casa Maya Kaan in Tulum, Mexico. Together we will nourish, relax and ground. You will leave this retreat feeling vibrant, connected, and whole.
We will connect with the natural elements that surround us and co-create a field of healing and activation. Enjoy 1:1 Aqua Therapy and 1:1 Energy Alignment. As a group, we will share daily Yoga and Qi flow, Cacao + Sound Ceremony, Temazcal, Integration Circle and more. There will be ample time to rest, reset and re-focus.

  • 5 days, 4 nights in luxury villa

  • 3 healthy, delicious meals a day

  • Daily yoga and Qi flow

  • 1:1 Aqua Therapy

  • 1:1 Energy Alignment

  • Sacred temple boat trip

  • Temazcal sweatlodge

  • Cacao Ceremony

  • Sound Healing

  • Clay Ritual

  • Integration Circle

Energy & Flow Summit

Hosted By Team Rosa

July 2-8, 2019

6 Days Retreat
CASA MAYA KAAN offers a wellness journey that integrates with the natural environment of the Sian Ka’an Biosphere. The innate tranquility of this environment help to quiet the mind and assist participants to reclaim their centre. Restorative practices are carried out with loving-kindness and with awareness of their ability to transform. The energy of this sacred land grace CASA MAYA KAAN guests with abundant natural blessing.

Feeding Your Mind, Body & Soul

Hosted By Chef David Rosa

April 18-21, 2019

3 Days Workshop
This is an opportunity for all experience levels participants to come together to share, learn and prepare innovative nourishing foods, it will be an interdisciplinary event that aims to teach the significant effect that occurs in our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.
This practice will take place in a nurturing environment where you connect with all your senses and with what you are preparing finding the balance in your own wellness journey.
A nurturing environment where people take charge of their own health and happiness preparing their own nourishing foods on a daily bases


Hosted by Miriam Adler

March 17-24, 2019

Kundalini Yoga & Clarity Breathwork Certified Instructor and Wellness Coach

An in-depth exploration, and personal transformation experience focused on nutrition, cleansing and trauma healing.
The activities and practices that unfold during the retreat include:

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Sharing Circles
  • Rest and Silence
  • Ancient Rituals
  • Emotional Release.

LOVE at CASA MAYA KAAN inspires participants to find inner peace by breaking free from struggle of daily life, and remembering what really matters.

Resonant Soul Event

Hosted by Valentina Mesa and David Rosa

February 26-27, 2019

One of a kind event and workshop.
An exploratory journey merging sound healing and soul food.
Resonant soul was created through love, in which they combined  their skills/passion/talents to bring the experience to you.
The sound healing will be lead by Valentina Mesa who is a facilitator that connects through sound, color and scent creating a safe sacred space for your own healing path.
You will be immerse in a sound journey in which your stress level, anxiety and worries will be reduced, elevating your frequency with high vibrational sound, awakening new parts of your brain, unblocking emotions and trauma bringing awareness to your present.
In harmony with the sound experience the journey will continue with chef David Rosa’s extraodinary culinary experience, a full sit-down dinner with nourishing foods that help elevate your mind, body and spirit creating a complete experience of bliss.

Transformational Journey Retreat

Hosted by Lu Camy

January 25-30, 2019

5 Day Transformational Journey Retreat & Workshop.
A great opportunity to release physical and emotional stress in a supportive and peaceful environment. Participants have access to life-changing techniques and experience the renewing of body, mind and spirit.
The retreat includes meditation sessions, breathing work, yoga and healing circles.

That. Day

Hosted by Miriam Adler

January 24, 2019

1 Day Retreat
Everybody knows the transformational power that one day or even one moment can hold, like planting of a precious seed that slowly will grow into a blossoming tree.
A special friends and family gathering to Enjoy That. Day Out Of Time:
Kundalini Yoga practice, healthy Brunch, Beach Purification and Tea Ceremony, Silent Nature Walk, Spirit Breath, Sunset Ritual, Temazcal, and Healthy light dinner.

Medicine Of Mexico

Hosted by Tricia Eastman

January 16-22, 2019

6 Days Retreat
Connecting to the ancient wisdom of the Sian Kaan sacred land to take in all the medicine that nature has to offer, while having the space to reflect and relax. The experience includes:

  • Sonoran Desert toad medicine (5-Meo-DMT) via 3 individualized one-to-one sessions.
  • Temzcal sweat lodge ceremony
  • Cocoa ceremony held in the Mayan tradition.

Food is medicine as well, and during the retreat high-vibe, ethically sourced cuisine nourishes the participants. The menu is gluten free and dietary requirements can be accommodated.